Recent Events

When Friends Pray Abuja
Friends will be gathering in Abuja to pray and fellowship together. Join us if you can.
To volunteer at the event, click the button below.

Built To Last
A retreat for undergraduate students
To register at the event, click the button below.
Preaching, Leading & Teaching
For Over a Decade
ImisiOluwa Owolabi is a seasoned international Speaker, Minister, Prophet to the Nations and an extraordinary woman of many parts.
She is currently the President of Hope365 ministries a platform that daily propagates the gospel of hope and houses a portfolio of other ministry expressions. Notable expressions of Hope365 are: the every evolving WhenFriendsPray events which has held over 200 meetings in the past 14years with tremendous exponential growth in both number and territories covered.

Preaching, Leading & Teaching
For Over a Decade

ImisiOluwa Owolabi is a seasoned international Speaker, Minister, Prophet to the Nations and an extraordinary woman of many parts.
She is currently the President of Hope365 ministries a platform that daily propagates the gospel of hope and houses a portfolio of other ministry expressions. Notable expressions of Hope365 are: the every evolving WhenFriendsPray events which has held over 200 meetings in the past 14years with tremendous exponential growth in both number and territories covered.
What I Do
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

This is an interdenominational ministry with the mandate To DAILY propagate the REVIVAL of TRUE WORSHIP amongst INDIVIDUALS thus TRANSFORMING NATIONS.
I have been in and done ministry for as long as I can recall. It’s majorly the only way I know how to live recognizing that ministry is not just the building or the people, it’s also whatever has been committed to your care and placed in your hands.
This includes a range of learning platforms that helps to build your mind and relationship with God.

Giving back is one of the ways I thrive, little wonder I love the expression ‘Pay it forward’. This continues to birth several initiatives that can be benefited from.

This is an interdenominational ministry with the mandate To DAILY propagate the REVIVAL of TRUE WORSHIP amongst INDIVIDUALS thus TRANSFORMING NATIONS.
I have been in and done ministry for as long as I can recall. It’s majorly the only way I know how to live recognizing that ministry is not just the building or the people, it’s also whatever has been committed to your care and placed in your hands.

This includes a range of learning platforms that helps to build your mind and relationship with God.
Giving back is one of the ways I thrive, little wonder I love the expression ‘Pay it forward’. This continues to birth several initiatives that can be benefited from.
When Prayer Becomes
A Lifestyle Book
When Prayer Becomes A Lifestyle Book
When prayer becomes a lifestyle debunks the myth about prayer and establishes the truth about living an impactful life in a simple and progressive manner.
As you read chapter after chapter, you develop a desire for deep communion with God and put on a graceful garment for prayer becomes it looks good on you!

Blog Updates

Have God And Have everything.
That is the way to make it Now. So seek ye first the kingdom of God And everything else will be a plus for u

How to Increase Spiritual Inflow
It is quite unfortunate that most of our youth today are looking for a quick way to make it without having God and the Holy

Inching towards the door, I turned the lock open. Slowly, I pulled the door ajar and peered through the opening that was wide enough to