This period for some will be accompanied with a sound of yippppppppyyyyy(rejoicing) while for some all that can be heard is a deep breath with a number of, “hmmmmmmmms so the year is really about to end and this, that and that has not happened, O ga ooo” so which of the divide do you find yourself????
Before you give me the answer, let me establish the fact that the category you belong to should have nothing to do with whether you have all your needs met or not… Okay it is time for me to keep it real since this is what I so preach about earnestly, sometimes ago (trust me not too far away) I had mixed feelings about the fact that 2013 is about to end, in fact my own “hmmmmmmmmmmmm” was almost on auto REPLAY, yeah for real, then at some point I was indifferent later I became excited for different reasons though without a thorough revelation so it was short lived, at a point I just even forgot or I choice to ignore whether the year was coming to an end or not… Well, it wasn’t that I did not have enough reason to be grateful or it isn’t that great things did not happen to me this year neither is it that I did not meet great people or had a number of God encounter, well some things that I termed “key” hadn’t happened so it clouded my judgment and attitude of praise/anticipation of what God will do before the end of the year… in the midst of all these, suddenly something happened… yeah something happened….
God started speaking to my heart about a mystery that inspired this writing, He said, “imisi shebi I was the one that gave you the promise/word for 2013? Ehn so I will do it na I am committed to it, imisi you are the only one that can stop it with your unbelief, if you people truly know and understand who I am, you all will be excited about the time you are in, because it means all the supposed delays has come to an end and all my (God’s) promises to you will definitely come to pass because I (GOD) has spoken and it must come to pass”. These words broke me and I started experiencing an unexplainable Joy within because now I realise that as long as I have GOD and His word deeply rooted in me, am so going to laugh before or by the end of 2013.
My dear friends the bottom line is this, if God has said it, He will do it, regardless of how many days is left in the year. I started reminding myself that He is God o and not a man, He doesn’t have INTEGRITY ISSUES o, He will not say something and bail out on me, if He has promised me these things for 2013 then He is more than able to perform it, of which He has already FINISHED all that concerns us.
What I am trying to say to you is that you are in the BESTest time of your life (pardon me; I had to add the “est” to drive home my point ni”. It is indeed the 11th hour, there is no better time to be excited, full of praise, pray some more, have faith some more., forgive some more, prepare for the enlargement etc because faithful is the ONE that has promised you, He is more than able to bring it to pass. I have been like, “Ope ooo (thank God ooo) the year is about to end because I know that what He has said and finished on my behalf for 2013 will doubtlessly be committed to me, it will speak, KABAYA (I feel like praying in the Holy ghost).
Don’t you get it ni, there isn’t two 2013 in history, I do not know about all I wrote in my list but I know about what HE promised to do in my life in 2013, I know the WORD He gave me to hold unto throughout 2013, I know HE has great plans for me in 2013, so my dear I am soo gonna bank on those Promises, because there isn’t room for carry over into 2014, yes the blessings will overflow to 2014 and the years to come but the performance of the promise or the WORD He gave you is for 2013 and yaaaaaayyyyyyy, we have 29days to go, don’t you see you have reason to celebrate in advance at least now you know for sure that you still have a miracle(s) to expect, after all, He gave the promise for 2013. Isaiah 62:6-7, Ladies and gentlemen, there isn’t a better to “remind” God of His word or better put, hold Him by His word. It is time to put on the, “I will not let you go attitude/let the countdown begin attitude”
Let me end this piece by saying, do a stock of the year from January till date, write down at least one thing God did for you each month, you will be amazed at what He has done for you even if all you can hold unto or remember is the gift of LIFE, hey remember it’s a GIFT. Let nothing stand in your way of you giving God the best of praise. Let go of the bitterness or “besetting sin or lot”. Don’t ever stop thanking God or confessing His word not out of fear but love/faith. God is moved by our FAITH and not by TEARS. Forever judge God faithful even if He doesn’t meet all your desires on your list for am sure He has done a lot for us. He might not give you all you want when you want it but HE WILL NEVER deny you what you NEED per time.
Do not enter rejection, depression or any negative position because of a need or desire(s) not met… Do you serve Him just for His gifts? The best gift you can give yourself this season is to have an unconditional love to God (whether HE gives me or not, I will praise Him kind of love, it is this kind of attitude that activates the miraculous)… He certainly knows what you need. He KNOWS… Oya let’s get our praise on, let the countdown to the 29 days of pleasant surprises begin. Don’t you see that this calls for celebration #selah.
I would love to hear from you…