So there I was, excited, sweating though the environment wasn’t hot, I held my hands together, I was looking around, my heart was racing with Joy as well as eagerness, am like, “ooo can we skip the time, can I pick what’s mine already”, at the other hand, a part of me just kept saying, “imisi, relax, you can’t speed up the time by been anxious, of which you are still going to pick it no matter what”. Then I fixed my eyes to the closest gigantic wall clock and started the countdown, 1, 2, 3… viola the time has come and I could see the big shining tray been passed around, the closer it gets the more my heart pants and beats faster, finally, the tray was passed to me and I picked mine, at that moment it was like the whole earth was on a stand still just for me, all I could hear was my breath, I looked away while I picked it… yes this was my experience few minutes before we cross over into 2013 and I had to pick my promise of the year… oh you are probably wondering so what’s is the big deal, well let me shock you, it is a serious BIG DEAL oh at least for me… let me back track a little bit, in my church, we usually pick promises (verses of the bible in a tiny card) in most services. These promises are usually prayed over before been shared and we have also been encouraged to prayerfully pick our promise whenever we do, it is amazing how this promises just fit to where you are per time. So just like every year has a theme we also pick a promise for the year as soon as we cross over to the New Year, which we see as a major anchor or sure word for the year.
However I really took this year’s promises serious ooo, mehn, I meant business o this year, after picking the promise, I felt this rush of emotions over me as I turn it over to see what my anchor word for the year was… *camera rolling* voila, Psalm 138:8 is the word for 2013. *go and check it I won’t tell you*. Of course who sees that kind of promise and is not excited, the next thing was to study and ask for revelation of the promise so I can position myself well… then my year began… fast forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What a way to start the year that is supposed to be my year of perfection. For some very “I am yet to still understand reasons” we were asked to vacate our crib in Owerri (I served in Owerri). It was like a dream because we have just four weeks left to stay in the house and Owerri as a whole, can’t they reason with us? My close friends are my flat mates so we were all kicked out, my other sweethearts(female friends) stay out of town, church friends were looking into it because most of them stay are staying in their family house… what a devastating way to start the year, other friends were not back from the break.
In the midst of the whole accommodation drama, on this fateful Wednesday night on our way back from church with my friends, just as we parted ways at my junction to walk into the street with another of my darling friend JAYTEE we were robbed but I was the target, a guy with painted body jumped out of the bush, dragged my Blackberry from me, chai the thought of it now is still very funny. I was stunned, dragged my phone back so much that I fell on the floor, I did not know what to do, I started running or was I chasing the guy? I sha screamed out loud, “if you don’t return my phone you will just die” Jaytee started running after me and screaming, “imisi come back”, I honestly don’t know where I was running to, maybe I like running, “I also ran or walked to the wall when I was proposed to* moving on,*hey don’t judge me, I was just coming from church and have listened to a lot of messages, so at least I should put to practice what I have been taught na, lol* then men came out to chase the guy and also help with our scattered items on the floor. According to them, they heard us scream but thought we were playing, can you imagine? I was shaking, I have never had such experience, but I kept smiling, worshipping and thanking God for saving us, what if it was more than that? I was really pained because I had a conference coming up in two weeks’ time and I need my phone badly but in all things I gave God praise.
For the first time in my life I understood divine protection. Honestly, that was the last time I slept in that house ooo, that was my finally warning to vacate the house, lol, thank God for a sweet friend of mine OLUCHI who took me into her family house the first day I left my very comfortable crib*sad much, you should have seen the house*, then miraculously VISION *please note* connected me to my darling friend and sister MAYOWA ODUWAIYE who just came into town to serve and got a fresh apartment and we stayed together till I left town*you will think I owned the house*. Exhale! Things went back to normal, the pain, agony and tears ended, HALLELUJAH. For the first time in my life I was grateful for the gift of having shelter, you don’t get, I don’t even know it is like to pay house rent or moving from one house to the other, rather my parent house people. So at times, we are so busy wishing our house was like that of Obama that we forget to thank God we even have a place to sleep because some don’t. I was sooo loving my stay with Mayowa and thanks to Oluchi who also introduced me to her church, so we go for worship and prayer services.

Life as I know it was really getting awesome. Interestingly, I spoke with the guy that stole my phone, He did not switch it off, and was really furious at my statement of, “he will just die”, so much that he agreed we meet somewhere and get my phone back with some money. However I moved on especially when the people around me wanted to play FBI agents so badly with me as a bait, abeg I had just few weeks to stay in town, so I chose to live in peace, lol, my dear that is wisdom.
After the initially dramas, things were beginning to look great, the VISION I mentioned earlier that connected MAYOWA and I was about to become a reality, SHIFT YOUTH CONFERENCE in Owerri. I tried it a year ago but just few weeks to the D day it had to be pulled off, you talk about disappointment of life. So indeed my 2013 was looking great o and na so so perfection.
Honestly writing this story brings back a lot of memories and I am really grateful to God oh, on the 2nd of February 2013, SHIFT conference Owerri became a reality, it felt like I just gave birth to a child, it was awesome despite all the odds and stops, it came to pass. A big thank you to everyone that supported the project financially and morally, a Big thank you to Coach Sam Obafemi who personally financed his trip from Abuja to Owerri to speak and spend time with us during the conference.
Also on the 14th of February, I concluded my NYSC programme, got a new white BOLD 6 courtesy Olumide my fiancé and the chief coup plotter MAYOWA who delivered the gift. Life was looking beautiful by the day, hopes were high for the days ahead, my faith was on another level, I was so sure about my miracle Job, the expansion of the ministry/outreaches etc. in all I learnt that God indeed is a restorer and He makes all things beautiful in His time. I was really laughing so Lagos brace up, here I come…

Hmmmmmm, things definitely did not go the way I planned, I have had my share of laughter, pleasant surprises, Joy, pain, tears, sadness, battle against depression, reat faith moments, met great people, had amazing God encounters, great ministerial platforms, greatest shock of the century, lol… etc. I look back now and I am like whoa, what an enormous lesson learnt… Before I continue my story, I want you to pause and look back your life, identify those things you know could have been worse but for God, identify those things you weren’t expecting but He gave you, look for reasons to be grateful, trust me you will be amazed…
So can I say my promise of the year played out the way I expected? well today is still 28th, I still have 3days to receive certain manifestations but this I know, everything God gave me this year has been nothing but the BEST, I have learnt firsthand how to daily trust God, am still learning and above all I now have a new view about WAITING…
My 2013 story to be continued on or before 30th Dec, watch out!!! However, you can join me on Sunday 29th Dec by 3pm @ RCCG, Ifelodun street, Ilasamaja Bus-stop along Cele/Oshodi Apapa Expressway as we come together “Just 4 Him”… it is an evening of worship and prayer to refuel us for 2014.