Noah also WAITED before they could come out of the ark…
Jacob WAITED for 14years before he could marry
The Children of Israel waited for 430 years before their deliverance from Egypt…
Moses had to WAIT in God’s presence before he could get the Ten commandments
Ruth after the death of her 1st husband had to WAIT and go through a process before meeting BOAZ
Esther had to WAIT before she became a queen
The Children of Israel also had to WAIT for seven days before the wall of Jericho fell down…
The four Hebrew children in Babylon also had moments the Waited for the manifestation of God’s Faithfulness…
Oh David after being anointed as a King had to WAIT for years for the manifestation of the promise…
The children of Israel had to WAIT for the deliverance from Babylon…
Oh the World had to WAIT for the messiah to come
Even Jesus had to WAIT till He was 30years old before manifesting as the Messiah…
After His death, Jesus had to WAIT for 3days before resurrecting…
Oh the disciples WAITED in the upper room before they were filled with the Holy Ghost…
I could go on and on… So you see that we all have to WAIT and go through different processes in our lives. However, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t times the devil could want to manipulate or cause a delay like the case of Daniel, whose answers was delayed by prince of Persia, Daniel 10:12-14, so ensure you seek God’s face, walk in His counsel and your waiting will be according to His plan and will.
So my dear having done all the praying, fasting, confessing etc… WAIT, don’t give up, WAIT with an attitude of a VICTOR because HE has done it…
You might not always understand why you are going through the WAITING period but always remember Habakkuk 3:2 and Philipians1:6…
What you do while waiting is very key, I suggest you keep the right company, confess the word, pray, obey God’s instructions no matter how “stupid” it seems as long as it is in line with the Bible, watch what you say and make the Bible your best friend #selah#
You can reach me on or @imisisulaiman
This website and family will bless your life @praiseworld_
Have a blessed week…